What is my filing status for Iowa?

What is my filing status for Iowa?

Your filing status on the Iowa return is usually the same filing status as on your Federal return. However, married taxpayers have the option of either filing jointly or filing separately on the Iowa return, no matter how they filed on the Federal return.

If you and your spouse both have income, you may pay less tax by filing status 3 or 4 (separately).

Status 1. Single
Check filing status 1 if you were unmarried, divorced, or legally separated on December 31, and do not meet the requirements for any other filing status. All single filers must answer the question, "Were you claimed as a dependent on another person's Iowa return?" If this question is not answered, you will be taxed as a dependent.

Status 2. Married Filing Joint Return
Check filing status 2 if you are married and want to report your income, deductions and exemptions together in one column. Both spouses must sign the return.

Please Note: 

  • You must have been husband and wife on December 31, or
  • If your spouse died during the tax year and you did not remarry during the year, you may file status 2, 3 or 4.

Nonresidents and Part-Year Residents: Nonresidents of Iowa who are married may file status 2, 3 or 4 for their Iowa return even if only one spouse had income from Iowa sources.

Status 3. Married Filing Separately on Combined Return
Check filing status 3 if you are married and want to file separately on one return. If you receive a refund, it will be made payable to both husband and wife. Both spouses must sign the return.

Taxpayers using filing status 3 or 4 may have to prorate (divide) certain items between them on the return. These items include Federal income tax refunds, additional Federal income tax paid, etc.

Status 4. Married Filing Separate Returns
Check filing status 4 if you and your spouse file separate tax returns. Write your spouse's Social Security Number, name and net income in the spaces provided at the top of the return in Step 1. The processing of refunds, alternate tax calculations, and/or low-income exemptions will be delayed without this information or supporting schedules.

Taxpayers using filing status 3 or 4 may have to prorate (divide) certain items between them on the return. These items include Federal income tax refunds, additional Federal income tax paid, etc.

Status 5. Head of Household
Check filing status 5 if you are filing as head of household for Federal income tax purposes. If you have a qualifying person living with you that you cannot claim as a dependent on this return, enter that person's name and Social Security Number. If you are filing as qualifying widow(er) with dependent child for Federal income tax purposes, you cannot file as "head of household" on your Iowa return.

Status 6. Qualifying Widow(er) With Dependent Child
Check filing status 6 if you meet the Federal filing requirements for qualifying widow(er).

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