Error IND-046

Error IND-046

Form 8862 must be present in the return. e-File database indicates the taxpayer must file Form 8862 to Claim Earned Income Credit after disallowance.

If you receive the above error information, the IRS is requiring you to file Form 8862 to claim EIC (Earned Income Credit) due to a prior disallowance.  Please follow the steps below.

How to correct this error: 

From our homepage, click on sign in to access your account.  Select the current return that is rejected.

Next, select the Other Forms tab on the left margin of the screen where you will scroll to the Form 8862 - Earned Income Credit After Disallowance screen where you will answer Yes to the question to correct this error.

If you feel that this is not correct and you have not been disallowed in a previous years' filing, you may contact the IRS at 1-800-829-1040.

Once you have made your correction you will then save and continue to the end of your the OLT software to re-submit.

*We strongly recommend checking the status of your return in 24-48 hours using the Login to My Income Tax Return link to verify that your return has been accepted.

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