When do I need to file my Hawaii state taxes?
When do I need to file my Hawaii state taxes?
File and Pay on Time
• Please file your return and pay your taxes by April 20, 2022.
• When you mail your return:
(1) Mail it to the appropriate address as stated in “Where to File.”
(2) Enclose only one return per envelope.
(3) Use proper postage. If there is insufficient postage on the envelope, the U.S. Postal Service will return it to you.
• Keep a copy of your return for your records.
Extension of Time to File
• If you are unable to file by April 20, 2022, you are granted an automatic 6-month extension of time to file your return through October 20, 2022. You
do not have to file a form to request an extension. The extension of time to file is not an extension of time for payment of tax.
(1) If you are due a refund, just file your return by October 20, 2022.
(2) If you have a balance due, you must pay your taxes in full by April 20, 2022. File Form N-101A with your payment. You may not use federal Form
4868 instead of Form N-101A.
(3) If you’re not sure if you have a balance due, use the worksheet on Form N-101A.
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