How Do I Receive Credit for Taxes Paid to a State Other Than Illinois?

How Do I Receive Credit for Taxes Paid to a State Other Than Illinois?

 What is the purpose of Schedule CR? Schedule CR, Credit for Tax Paid to Other States, allows you to take a credit for income taxes you paid to other states on income you received while a resident of Illinois. You are allowed this credit only if you filed a required tax return with the other state. You must use information from the tax return you filed with the other state to complete Schedule CR.

A part-year resident may only take a credit on income earned while a resident of Illinois.

A nonresident may not take a credit on Illinois Schedule CR.

 What taxes qualify for the credit? Taxes that qualify for the credit are income taxes you paid to another state of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or any territory or possession of the United States, or to a political subdivision (e.g., county, city, local) of one of these jurisdictions. No credit is allowed for taxes paid to the federal government or to foreign countries or to their political subdivisions. To qualify for this credit, a tax must be deductible as state and local income taxes paid on your federal Schedule A, Itemized Deductions, whether or not you actually claimed the deduction. An alternative minimum tax measured by income may qualify. See Publication 111, Illinois Schedule CR for Individuals, for details.

NOTE: No credit is allowed for interest or penalties imposed on you, even in connection with an income tax. You may claim the credit for income taxes paid on your behalf (e.g., by withholding or with a composite return), but only if you are the person legally liable for the tax (i.e., if you would be required to pay the tax if it had not been paid on your behalf). 


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