Missouri Enterprise Zone Income Modification
Missouri Enterprise Zone Income Modification
To claim the Enterprise Zone Income or Rural Empowerment Zone Modification, you must first receive notification of approval from the Department of Economic Development.
Enterprise Zone Income Modification: If you or your spouse have exempt income from a business facility located in an enterprise zone that has been approved by the Department of Economic Development, enter one-half of the Missouri taxable income attributed to the new business facility in the enterprise zone (refer to Form 4354) on Line 24.
Rural Empowerment Zone Modification: If you or your spouse have exempt income from a new business facility located within a rural empowerment zone that has been approved by the Department of Economic Development, enter the Missouri taxable income attributed to a new business facility in a rural empowerment zone.
For additional information on either modification, you can access the web site at www.ded.mo.gov or contact the
Department of Economic Development, Incentives Section,
P.O. Box 118
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0118.
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