Kansas Subtractions From Federal Adjusted Gross Income

Kansas Subtractions From Federal Adjusted Gross Income

 Subtractions from Federal Adjusted Gross Income (AGI)

If you have items of income that are taxable on your federal return but not to Kansas, then complete lines A7 through A17.

LINE A8: If the amount on Line 1 of Form K-40 is $75,000 or less, enter the amount received as benefits in 2021 under the Social Security Act (including SSI) to the extent these benefits are included in your federal AGI. Do not make an entry if your social security benefit is not subject to federal income tax.

LINE A9: Enter amounts withdrawn from a qualified retirement account and include any earnings thereon to the extent that amounts withdrawn were: 1) originally received as a KPERS lump sum payment at retirement and rolled over into a qualified retirement account, and 2) included in your federal AGI (line 1 of Form K-40). Do not make an entry if the amount withdrawn consists of income originally received from retirement annuity contracts purchased for faculty and others employed by the State Board of Regents or by educational institutions under its management with either their direct contributions or through salary reduction plans or, a pension received from any Kansas first class city that is not covered by KPERS.

LINE A10: Enter interest or dividend income received from obligations or securities of any authority, commission or instrumentality of the United States and its possessions that was included in your federal AGI. This includes U.S. Savings Bonds, U.S. Treasury Bills, and the Federal Land Bank. You must reduce the interest amount by any related expenses (management or trustee fees, etc.) directly incurred in the purchase of these securities. If you are a shareholder in a mutual fund investing in both exempt and taxable federal obligations, you may subtract only that portion of the distribution attributable to the exempt federal obligations. Retain a schedule showing the name of each U.S. Government obligation interest deduction claimed, as it may be requested by the Department of Revenue at a later date.

Interest from the following are taxable to Kansas and may not be entered on this line: Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA); Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA); Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC).

LINE A11: Enter any state or local income tax refund included as income on your federal return.

LINE A12: If you are receiving retirement benefits/pay, report on this line benefits exempt from Kansas income tax (do not include Social Security benefits). For example, KPERS retirement benefits are subject to federal income tax, but exempt from Kansas income tax. You must make a specific entry on Schedule S to report these exempt benefits. Enter total amount of benefits received from the following plans that was included in your federal AGI. Do not enclose copies of the 1099R forms, instead keep copies for your records for verification by the Department of Revenue at a later date.

• Federal Civil Service Retirement or Disability Fund payments and any other amounts received as retirement benefits from employment by the federal government or for service in the United States Armed Forces

• Retirement plans administered by the U.S. Railroad Retirement Board, including U.S. Railroad Retirement Benefits, tier I, tier II, dual vested benefits, and supplemental annuities

• Kansas Public Employees’ Retirement (KPERS) annuities

• Kansas Police and Firemen’s Retirement System pensions

• Distributions from Police and Fire Department retirement plans for the city of Overland Park, Kansas

• Kansas Teachers’ Retirement annuities

• Kansas Highway Patrol pensions

• Kansas Justices and Judges Retirement System annuities

• Board of Public Utilities pensions

• Income from retirement annuity contracts purchased for faculty and others employed by the State Board of Regents or by educational institutions under its management with either their direct contributions or through salary reduction plans

• Amounts received by retired employees of Washburn University as retirement and pension benefits under the university’s retirement plan

• Certain pensions received from Kansas first class cities that are not covered by KPERS

LINE A13: Enter amount of military compensation earned in tax year 2021 only if you are a nonresident of Kansas. See MILITARY PERSONNEL, herein. Also enter any Kansas income for services performed by a non-military spouse of a nonresident military service member when the spouse resides in Kansas solely because the service member is stationed in Kansas under military orders.

LINE A14: Enter contributions deposited in the Learning Quest Education Savings Program (LQESP) or qualified 529 tuition programs (as defined under IRC Section 529) established by another state, up to $3,000 per student (beneficiary); or $6,000 per student (beneficiary) if your filing status is married filing joint. You may have your direct deposit refund sent directly to your LQESP account. Visit learningquest.com for details about saving money for higher education.

LINE A15: Enter amounts of a recruitment, sign up or retention bonus received as incentive to join, enlist or remain in the armed forces (including Kansas Army and Air National Guard), to the extent they are included in federal AGI. Also enter amounts received for repayment of education or student loans incurred by you or for which you are obligated that you received as a result of your service in the armed forces of the United States, to the extent they are included in federal AGI.

LINE A16: Enter contributions deposited in an Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) account established under the Kansas ABLE savings program or a qualified ABLE program established and maintained by another state or agency or instrumentality thereof (as defined under IRC Section 529A) up to $3,000 per beneficiary; or $6,000 per beneficiary if your filing status is married filing joint. For details about ABLE saving accounts for qualified disability expenses, please visit Kansas ABLE Saving Plans at https://savewithable.com/ ks/home.html LINE A16: Enter a total of the following subtractions from your federal AGI. You may not subtract the amount of your income reported to another state.

• Jobs Tax Credit. Federal targeted jobs tax credit disallowance claimed on your federal income tax return.

• Kansas Venture Capital, Inc. Dividends. Dividend income received from Kansas Venture Capital, Inc.

• KPERS Lump Sum Distributions. Employees who terminated KPERS employment after 7/1/84, and elect to receive their contributions in a lump sum distribution will report their taxable contributions on their federal return. Subtract the amount of the withdrawn accumulated contributions or partial lump-sum payment(s) to the extent either is included in federal AGI.

• Partnership, S Corporation, or Fiduciary Adjustments. The proportionate share of any required subtraction adjustments on income received from a partnership, S corporation, joint venture, syndicate, trust or estate. The partnership, S corporation, or trustee will provide you with information to determine this amount.

• S Corporation Privilege Adjustment. If you are a shareholder in a bank, savings and loan, or other financial institution that is organized as an S corporation, enter the portion of any income received that was not distributed as a dividend. This income has already been taxed on the privilege tax return filed by the S corporation financial institution.

• Sale of Kansas Turnpike Bonds. Gain from the sale of Kansas turnpike bonds that was included in your federal AGI.

• Electrical Generation Revenue Bonds. Gain from the sale of electrical generation revenue bonds, included in your federal AGI.

• Native American Indian Reservation Income. Income earned on a reservation by a native American Indian residing on his or her tribal reservation, to the extent it is included in federal AGI.

• Amortization – Energy Credits. Allowable amortization deduction relating to credit schedule K-73, K-77, K-79, K-82 or K-83, and the allowable amortization deduction for carbon dioxide capture, sequestration or utilization machinery and equipment, or waste heat utilization system property. Note: 55% of the amortization costs may be subtracted in the first year and 5% for each of the succeeding nine years.

• Organ Donor Expenses. Unreimbursed travel, lodging, and medical expenditures incurred by you or your dependent, while living, for the donation of human organ(s) to another person for transplant; to the extent that the expenditures are included in your federal AGI. This subtraction modification cannot exceed $5,000. See NOTICE 14-03 for more information

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