New Mexico Adjustments

New Mexico Adjustments

Additions to Federal Adjusted Gross Income (Lines 1–4)

You are required to report the following additions to your federal adjusted gross income on Schedule PIT-ADJ:

• Line 1. Interest and dividends from federal tax-exempt bonds.

• Line 2. A net operating loss carryover.

• Line 3. Contributions refunded when closing, or certain contributions rolled out of, a New Mexicoapproved Section 529 college savings plan account.

• Line 4. A charitable deduction claimed on federal Schedule A Line 12, for a donation of land to private non-profit or public conservation agencies for conservation purposes from which you were allowed the New Mexico land conservation tax credit. Each addition is described in detail later in these instructions.

Deductions and Exemptions from Federal Adjusted Gross Income (Lines 6–21) Use PIT-ADJ to claim the following deductions and exemptions:

• Line 6. New Mexico tax-exempt interest and dividend income.

• Line 7. A New Mexico net operating loss carryforward.

• Line 8. Interest on U.S. government obligations.

• Line 9. Railroad retirement income or Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act sick pay not taxable by New Mexico.

• Line 10. You, your spouse, or both are members of an Indian nation, tribe, or pueblo, and the income of the member was wholly earned on the lands of the reservation or pueblo of which one of you is a member while domiciled on that land, reservation, or pueblo. If either you or your spouse are not a member of an Indian nation, tribe, or pueblo, your income is taxable even when earned on the lands of the reservation or pueblo.

• Line 10a and 10b. Please enter the name of the Indian nation, tribe or pueblo of which you or your spouse is a member.

• Line 11. You, your spouse, or both are age 100 or over, and not dependents of another taxpayer.

• Line 12. You, your spouse, or both are age 65 or over or blind, and adjusted gross income is not over $51,000 for a joint return; $28,500 for a single taxpayer; or $25,500 for married taxpayers filing separately.

• Line 13. Federally taxable contributions to or distributions from a New Mexico Medical Care Savings Account.

• Line 14. Contributions to a New Mexico-approved Section 529 college savings plan.

• Line 15. Net capital gains deduction.

• Line 16. Active duty pay for United States armed forces.

• Line 17. You, your spouse, or both are age 65 or over, and claiming unreimbursed or uncompensated medical care expenses of $28,000 or more for yourself, your spouse, or dependents.

• Line 18. Expenses related to donating human organs to another person.

• Line 19. Reimbursement from the New Mexico National Guard Service Member’s Life Insurance Reimbursement Fund.

• Line 20. Taxable refunds, credits, or offsets of state and local income taxes included from your federal adjusted gross income (federal Schedule 1, line 1).

• Line 21. Active duty pay of a non-resident U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) member. Each deduction and exemption is described in detail later in these instructions.

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