How can I pay the taxes I owe to the state of Missouri?
How can I pay the taxes I owe to the state of Missouri?
Payments must be postmarked by April 18, 2022, to avoid interest and late payment charges. The Department of Revenue offers several payment options.
Check or money order: Attach a check or money order (U.S. funds only), payable to Missouri Department of Revenue. By submitting payment by check, you authorize the Department of Revenue to process the check electronically upon receipt. Do not postdate. The Department of Revenue may electronically resubmit checks returned for insufficient or uncollected funds. If you mail your payment after your return is filed, attach your payment to the Form MO-1040V found on page 46.
Electronic Bank Draft (E-Check): By entering your bank routing number and check ing account number, you can pay on line at or by calling (888) 929- 0513. There will be a convenience fee to use this service.
Credit Card: The Department accepts MasterCard, Discover, Visa, and American Express. To pay online visit our website at or call (888) 929-0513. There is a convenience fee charged to your account for processing credit card payments.
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