Hawaii Residency

Hawaii Residency

Resident A resident is taxed on income from all sources.

A resident must file an Individual Income Tax Return—Resident (Form N-11), if required to do so.

A Hawaii resident is (1) Every individual domiciled in Hawaii, and (2) Every other individual whether domiciled in Hawaii or not, who resides in Hawaii for other than a temporary or transitory purpose.

An individual domiciled outside Hawaii is presumed to be a resident if he or she spends more than 200 days in Hawaii during the taxable year. This presumption may be overcome by evidence satisfactory to the Department that the individual maintained a permanent place of abode outside the State and was in the State for a temporary or transitory purpose. No person shall be deemed to have gained or lost a residence simply because of his or her presence or absence in compliance with military or naval orders of the United States, while engaged in aviation or navigation, or while a student at any institution of learning. See Tax Information Release No. 97-1, “Determination of Residence Status.”

Nonresident A Hawaii nonresident is an individual who is in Hawaii for a temporary or transient purpose, and whose permanent domicile is not Hawaii.

A nonresident must file an Individual Income Tax Return—Nonresident and Part-Year Resident (Form N-15), if required to do so. A nonresident will be taxed on income from Hawaii sources only.

A nonresident married to a Hawaii resident may choose to file a joint return with the resident spouse on Form N-11; however, the nonresident will then be taxed on all income from all sources. For more information, see Married Filing Joint Return on page 8.

Part-Year Resident A part-year resident is an individual who was a Hawaii resident for part of the year, and who was a nonresident during the other part of the year. This includes those who moved to Hawaii during the year and those who moved away from Hawaii during the year.

A part-year resident must file an Individual Income Tax Return—Nonresident and PartYear Resident (Form N-15), if required to do so. A part-year resident will be taxed on all income from all sources during the period of residency, and on income from Hawaii sources only during the period of nonresidency.

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