Indiana County Selection

Indiana County Selection

County where you lived defined

The county where you lived is the county where you maintained your home on Jan 1. If you had more than one home in Indiana on this date, then your county of residence as of Jan. 1 (of the tax year),  was:
- Where you were registered to vote. If this did not apply, then your county of residence was
- Where your personal automobile was registered. If this did not apply, then your county of residence was
- Where you spent the majority of your time in Indiana ?

Did you move during the year?

If you moved to another Indiana county after Jan. 1, the county where you lived for tax purposes will not change until next year.
If, on Jan. 1, you lived in a county that has a tax, then you will owe county tax on all of your Indiana adjusted gross income.
If, on Jan. 1, you lived in a county that does not have a tax, then county tax will be figured on your income from your principal employment if the county where you worked on Jan. 1, has a tax.

County where you worked defined:

The county where you worked (county of principal employment) is the county where your main place of business was located or where your main work activity was performed on Jan. 1.  If you began working in another county after Jan. 1, the county where you worked for tax purposes will not change until next year.
If you had more than one job on Jan. 1, your principal place of employment is the job where you worked the most hours and earned the most income.

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