Delaware Form 700 Credits
Delaware Form 700 Credits
Any taxpayer claiming any of the following credits should complete Form 700 (available from the Division of Revenue and at and submit it with their Delaware return.
-Economic Development Credits are available to certain businesses engaged in a qualified business activity who meet the minimum capital investment and new hiring requirements. Only taxpayers approved by the Division of Revenue may claim these credits.
-Green Industry Credits are available for reducing waste release, use of recycled materials, processing of waste materials and collection and distribution of recycled materials. Only those taxpayers whose eligibility is certified by the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control and the Delaware Economic Development Office may claim these credits.
-Brownfield Tax Credits are available for promoting the rehabilitation of contaminated industrial and commercial sites. Only those Taxpayers whose eligibility is certified by the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control may claim these credits.
-Research and Development Tax Credit. A business or individual may take an income tax credit on Delaware qualified research and development expenses. A Division of Revenue approval letter must be attached to your Delaware return.
-Land and Historic Resource Tax Credit. A business or individual may take an income tax credit for permanent gifts of land or interest in land to public agencies and qualified private non-profit charitable organizations. A Division of Revenue approval letter must be attached to your Delaware Return.
-Historic Preservation Tax Credits are available to Resident Curators and to those persons who work to promote community revitalization and restoration, and the rehabilitation of historic properties. Only those taxpayers whose eligibility is certified by the Delaware State Historic Preservation Office may claim these credits.
-Neighborhood Assistance Tax Credit. Certain taxpayers are eligible for an income tax credit for contributing to a neighborhood organization, community development corporation, or community based development organization; or for providing neighborhood assistance, job training, or education to an impoverished area or for low and moderate-income families. An investment claimed as a Neighborhood Assistance Credit shall not also be eligible for treatment in the same year as a charitable contribution for income tax purposes. Only those taxpayers whose eligibility is certified by the Delaware State Housing Authority and the Delaware Tax Appeal Board may claim these credits.
-Automatic External Defibrillators Tax Credit. Any business that places an automatic external Defibrillator in service at a business location in the State is entitled to a credit equal to $100 per unit.
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