How can I determine if I am a resident of Missouri?

How can I determine if I am a resident of Missouri?

A resident is an individual who either:

  • Maintained a domicile in Missouri, or
  • Did not maintain a domicile in Missouri but did have permanent living quarters and spent more than 183 days of the taxable year in Missouri.

Exception: An individual domiciled in Missouri who did not maintain permanent living quarters in Missouri and did maintain permanent living quarters elsewhere, and spent 30 days or less of the taxable year in Missouri is not a resident.

Domicile: The place an individual intends to be his/her permanent home; a place that he/she intends to return to whenever absent. A domicile, once established, continues until the individual moves to a new location with the true intention of making his/her permanent home there. An individual can have only one domicile at a time.

Nonresident: A nonresident is an individual who does not meet the definition of resident. If required to file, nonresidents with income from another state must use Form MO-NRI to determine income percentages.

Part-Year Resident: A part-year resident is treated as a nonresident. However, a part-year resident may determine tax as a resident for the entire year. A part-year resident may use Form MO-CR to take a credit for taxes paid to another state or Form MO-NRI to determine income percentages.

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