How Do I Determine my Oklahoma Net Operating Loss?
How Do I Determine my Oklahoma Net Operating Loss?
The loss year return must be filed to establish the Oklahoma Net Operating Loss (NOL). Oklahoma NOL shall be separately determined by reference to IRC Section 172 as modified by the Oklahoma Income Tax Act and shall be allowed without regard to the existence of a federal NOL. For tax years 2009 and subsequent, the years to which an NOL may be carried shall be determined solely by reference to IRC Section 172. Provide a detailed schedule showing the origin and NOL computation. Residents use Oklahoma 511-NOL Schedules. Also provide a copy of the federal NOL computation.
A NOL resulting from a farming loss may be carried back in accordance with and to the extent of IRC Section 172(b)(G). However, the amount of the NOL carryback shall not exceed the lesser of $60,000, or the loss properly shown on the Federal Schedule F reduced by half of the income from all other sources other than reflected on Schedule F.
An election may be made to forego the carryback period. A written statement of the election must be part of the original timely filed Oklahoma loss year return. However, if you filed your return on time without making the election, you may still make the election on an amended return filed within six months of the due date of the return (excluding extensions). Attach the election to the amended return. Once made, the election is irrevocable.
The Oklahoma NOL(s) shall be subtracted on Schedule 511-A, line 9. There is also a space provided to enter the loss year(s).
The federal NOL(s) shall be added on Schedule 511-B, line 4.
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