Wisconsin Charitable Funds
Wisconsin Charitable Funds
You may designate amounts as a donation to one or more of the programs listed on lines 20a through 20h. Your donation will either reduce your refund or be added to tax due. Add the amounts on lines 21a through 21h and fill in the total on line 21.
Endangered Resources Donation
With your gift, the Endangered Resources Program works to protect and manage native plant and animal species, natural communities, and other natural features. Gifts up to a predetermined amount will be matched by state general purpose revenue. Fill in the amount you want to donate on line 20a.
Cancer Research Donation
Your cancer research donation will be divided equally between the Medical College of Wisconsin, Inc., and the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center for cancer research projects. Fill in the amount you want to donate on line 20b.
Veterans Trust Fund Donation
Your donation to the Veterans Trust Fund will be used by the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs for the benefit of veterans or their dependents. Fill in the amount you want to donate on line 20c.
Multiple Sclerosis Donation
Donations will be forwarded to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society to be distributed to entities located in Wisconsin that operate health-related programs for people in Wisconsin with multiple sclerosis. Fill in the amount you want to donate on line 20d.
Military Family Relief Fund
The Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs will use donations to the military family relief fund to provide financial aid to eligible members of the immediate family of members of the U.S. armed forces or of the National Guard who are residents of Wisconsin serving on active duty. Fill in the amount you want to donate on line 20e.
Second Harvest / Feeding America
Your donation to the food banks supports efforts to feed the hungry and will be divided as follows: 65% to Feeding America Eastern Wisconsin (located in Milwaukee); 20% to Second Harvest Foodbank of Southern Wisconsin (located in Madison); and 15% to Feed My People (located in Eau Claire). The food banks provide food to food pantries, meal programs, shelters, and soup kitchens throughout the state. Fill in the amount you want to donate on line 20f.
Red Cross Wisconsin Disaster Relief
You may donate an amount to the American Red Cross for its Wisconsin Disaster Relief Fund. Fill in the amount you want to donate on line 20g.
Special Olympics Wisconsin
You may donate an amount to Special Olympics Wisconsin, Inc. Fill in the amount you want to donate on line 20h.
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