MO contributions
Missouri contributions
You may donate part or all of your overpaid amount or contribute additional pay ments to any of the trust funds listed on Form MO-1040 or any two additional trust funds.
Children’s Trust Fund – Children’s Trust Fund, Missouri’s Foundation for Child Abuse Prevention, is a non-profit organization dedicated to the vision of children free to grow and reach their full potential in a nurturing and healthy environment free from child abuse and neglect. For more information please contact the Children’s Trust Fund www.ctf4kids. org or call 888-826-5437. (Minimum contribution: $2, or $4 if married filing combined)
Veterans Trust Fund – The Missouri Veterans Commission’s Veterans Trust Fund is a means by which individuals and corporations may donate money to expand and improve services to veterans in Missouri. Contributions may be made at any time directly to: Veterans Trust Fund c/o The Missouri Veterans Commission, P.O. Drawer 147, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0147 or call (573) 751-3779. (Minimum contribution: $2, or $4 if married filing combined)
Elderly Home Delivered Meals Trust Fund – The Elderly Home Delivered Meals Trust Fund supports the home delivered meals program for Missouri’s home-bound senior citizens, helping them to continue to live independently in their homes. The need for home delivered meals increases yearly as persons are living longer and may need assistance. Please visit for more information. (Minimum contribution $2, or $4 if married filing combined)
Missouri National Guard Trust Fund – The Missouri National Guard Trust Fund expands the capability to provide and coordinate Military Funeral Honors Ceremonies for veterans of Missouri and veterans buried in Missouri who have servedtheir country in an honorable manner. Contributions may be made at any time directly to Missouri National Guard Trust Fund, ATTN: JFMO-J1/SSH, 2302 Militia Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65101-1203 or call (573) 638-9663. (Minimum contribution: $2, or $4 if married filing combined)
Workers’ Memorial Fund – This fund has been established to create a permanent memorial for all workers who suffered a job related death or injuries that resulted in a permanent disability while on the job in Missouri. Requests for information and contributions may be made at any time to: Workers’ Memorial Fund, Attn: Director’s Office, 412 E Dunklin St., Jefferson City, MO 65101. (Minimum contribution: $1, or $2 if married filing combined)
Childhood Lead Testing Fund – Activities supported by this fund ensure that Missouri children at risk for lead poisoning are tested and receive appropriate follow-up activities to protect their health and well being from the harmful effects of lead. For more information please contact the Missouri State Public Health Laboratory at (573) 751-3334, or e-mail (Min imum contribution: $1, or $2 if married filing combined)
Missouri Military Family Relief Fund – For more information, please contact: Missouri Military Family Relief Fund, 2302 Militia Drive, ATTN: JFMO-J1/SS, Jefferson City, MO 65201-1203. (Minimum contribution: $1, or $2 if married filing combined) General Revenue Fund – Requests for information and contributions may be made at any time directly to General Revenue Fund, ATTN: Department of Revenue, P.O. Box 3022, Jefferson City, MO 65105-3022. (Minimum contribution: $1, or $2 if married filing combined)
General Revenue Fund – Requests for information and contributions may be made at any time directly to General Revenue Fund, ATTN: Department of Revenue, P.O. Box 3022, Jefferson City, MO 65105-3022. (Minimum contribution: $1, or $2 if married filing combined.)
Organ Donor Program Fund – Contributions support organ and tissue donation education and registry operation. For more information, please contact: Missouri Department of Healthand Senior Services, Organ and Tissue Donor Program, P.O. Box 570, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0570, or call 888-497-4564. (Minimum contribution: $2, or $4 if married filing combined).
Kansas City Regional Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation Fund - The Regional Law Enforcement Memorial Garden honors and celebrates the men and women who have laid down their lives in the line of duty. Donations can be made directly to Kansas City Regional Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation Fund at 527 W 39th Street (132.24 mi) Kansas City, MO 64111. (Minimum contribution: $1, or $2 if married filing combined).
Soldiers Memorial Military Museum in St. Louis Fund- Supports Soldiers Memorial Military Museum in honoring military service members, veterans, and their families, and sharing St. Louis’s involvement in the nation’s military history from the American Revolution through today. Donations can be made directly to Soldiers Memorial Military Museum Fund at P.O. Box 775460 1315 Chestnut St., St. Louis, MO, 63103. (Minimum contribution: $1, or $2 if married filing combined).
Additional Funds If you choose to give to additional funds, enter the two-digit additional fund code in the spaces provided on Line 46. If you want to give to more than two additional funds, please submit a contribution directly to the fund. For additional information visit Donations received from the following funds are designated specifically for Missouri residents.
American Cancer Society Heartland Division, Inc., Fund (01) – For more information anytime, call toll free 1-800-ACS-2345 or visit Donations can be sent directly to the American Cancer Society at 1100 Pen nsylvania Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64105. (Minimum irrevocable contribution: $1, not to exceed $200)
American Diabetes Association Gateway Area Fund (02) – Requests for information may be made by calling (314) 822-5490 or contacting Gateway Area Diabetes Association Fund, 15455 Conway Road, Suite 360, Chesterfield, MO 63017. (Minimum irrevocable contribution: $1, not to exceed $200)
American Heart Association Fund (03) – For more information, please contact: American Heart Association, 460 N. Lindbergh Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63141-7808, or call (314) 692-5600. (Minimum irrevocable contribution: $1, not to exceed $200)
ALS Lou Gehrig’s Disease Fund (05) – Call 1-888-8738539 for patient services in Eastern Missouri and 1-800878-2062 for patient services in Western Missouri. (Minimum irrevocable contribution: $1, not to exceed $200
Arthritis Foundation Fund (09) – Call (314) 991-9333 or visit Contributions can be made at any time directly to the Arthritis Foundation, 9433 Olive Blvd., Suite 100, St. Louis, MO 63132. (Minimum irrevocable contribution: $1, not to exceed $200)
Foster Care and Adoptive Parents Recruitment and Retention Fund (14) – For more information please contact: Missouri Children’s Division, P.O. Box 88, Jefferson City, MO 651030088 or call (573) 522-8024. (Minimum contribution: $1, or $2 if married filing combined)
March of Dimes Fund (08) – Send requests for information and contributions directly to the March of Dimes Fund, 11829 Dorsett Road, Maryland Heights, MO 63043. (Minimum irrevocable contribution: $1, not to exceed $200)
Missouri National Guard Foundation Fund (19) – The foundation assists Missouri National Guard Members and all veterans and their families by providing services that enable them to improve their financial, physical, mental and social well-being. The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt, charitable organization. For more information call (573) 632-4240, or visit our website at Donations can be made directly on the website, or mailed to Missouri National Guard Foundation, 2302 Militia Drive, Jefferson City, Missouri 65101. (Minimum contribution: $1, or $2 if married filing combined)
Muscular Dystrophy Association Fund (07) – Requests for information and contributions may be made at any time directly to: Muscular Dystrophy Association, 222 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 1500, Chicago, IL 60606; (312) 260-5900. (Min i mum irrevocable contribution: $1, not to exceed $200)
National Multiple Sclerosis Society Fund (10) – Visit, call 1-800FIGHTMS, or contact National Multiple Sclerosis Society Fund, 12125 Woodcrest Executive Drive, Suite 320, St. Louis, MO 63141 (Minimum irrevocable contribution: $1, not to exceed $200)
Pediatric Cancer Research Trust Fund (18) - CureSearch for Children’s Cancer raises funds to support children’s cancer research. For more information, visit or call (800) 458-6223. (Minimum contribution: $1, or $2 if married filing combined)
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