What Are My Massachusetts Contribution Options?

What Are My Massachusetts Contribution Options?

You may contribute any amount you choose to the following funds. Remember, these amounts are added to your tax. They increase the amount of your payment or reduce the amount of your refund.

Endangered Wildlife Conservation
The Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Fund is ad-ministered by the Division of Fisheries and Wild-life. Contributions are used to protect and restore rare and endangered wildlife and plants, and their habitats. This fund has helped restore and con-serve in the Commonwealth populations of the Bald Eagle, Hessel's Hairstreak Butterfly, the Red-belly Turtle and the Plymouth Gentian.

Organ Transplant Fund
The Organ Transplant Fund is administered by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. All contributions received by the Fund assist patients with the costs of medications without which they might lose their transplanted organs.  For information on how to become an organ donor, visit the Registry of Motor Vehicle’s website at www.mass.gov/rmv.

Massachusetts Public Health HIV and Hepatitis Fund. The Massachusetts Public Health HIV and Hepatitis Fund is administered by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. Contributions are used for research, experimental treatment and education related to Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Massachusetts residents living with AIDS receive experimental treatment through clinical trials which are wholly supported with this Fund. The Fund also educates people with AIDS about treatment options and how to gain access to medication and experimental treatment

Massachusetts United States Olympic Fund
Contributions to this fund are used to assist Massachusetts residents in paying all or part of any costs associated with the development, maintenance and operation of the United States Olympic Team participating in the Olympics and the United States Paralympic Team participating in the Paralympics.

Massachusetts Military Family Relief Fund
The Massachusetts Military Family Relief Fund Is administered by the Friends of Massachusetts National Guard and Reserve Families. Contributions to this fund are used to help members of the Massachusetts National Guard and Massachusetts residents who are members of the reserves of the armed forces of the United States and who have been called to active duty after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, and their families, to defray the costs of food, housing, utilities, medical services, and other expenses.

Homeless Animal Prevention and Care Fund

The Homeless Animal Prevention and Care Fund is administered by the Department of Agricultural Resources. Contributions will help animals by reducingthe number of homeless cats and dogs by spaying, neutering and vaccinating animals in shelters and animal control facilities and assisting families who would not otherwise be able to afford these services for their pets. The Fund also provides training to municipal animal control officers so that they can safely and effectively protect animals and people in their communities.


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