Why do I have a child tax credit error?

Why do I have a child tax credit error?

This error indicates your relationship to the qualifying dependent for child tax credit is invalid.  In order to claim the child tax credit, your relationship to the qualifying child must be: daughter, son, foster child, grandchild, sister, brother, niece, or nephew and the dependent's age must be under 17.  These are the only selections permitted for qualifying relationship.  Your stepchild is considered your son or daughter for this purpose.  If one of these relationships do not apply, you must select NO for Child Tax Credit on the dependent screen for that person.

How to correct this error: 

From our homepage, click on "sign in" to enter the username and password to access your account. Select the current year return that is rejected.  Save and continue at the page with the "error description".  Go to the "My Info" tab and revisit the Dependent section.

You will then "Edit" the dependent in question to correct the error. If the dependent relationship is correct, you must choose NOT to take Child Tax Credit for this child by answering 'No' to the question "Do you wish to claim this dependent for Child Tax Credit?" If the dependent relationship is incorrect, you will change the relationship of the child and then Save and Continue.

Once you have made your correction you will then save and continue to the end of your return and resubmit.

*We strongly recommend checking the status of your return in 24-48 hours using the Login to My Income Tax Return link to verify that your return has been accepted.

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