What is Included in Massachusetts Other Credits?

What is Included in Massachusetts Other Credits?

See Schedule CMS for a complete list:

Angel Investor Credit Taxpayers subject to tax under MGL ch 62 may be eligible for an Angel Investor Credit (AIC) equal to 20% of the amount of qualifying investments in a qualifying business, and 30% of the amount of qualifying investments made by a taxpayer investor in a qualifying business located in a “Gateway municipality,” as defined in MGL ch 23A, § 3A. The taxpayer must be an accredited investor, as defined in 15 USC § 77b(15)(ii), who is not the principal owner of the qualifying business and who is not involved in the qualifying business as a full-time professional activity. For purposes of the AIC, a taxpayer may invest up to $125,000 per qualifying business per year up to a maximum of $250,000. A taxpayer cannot claim more than $50,000 of the AIC for a single calendar year. The credit may be taken in either the tax year of the initial investment or may be carried forward to any of the 3 subsequent taxable years, as long as the qualifying business maintains its principal place of business in Massachusetts. If the qualifying business does not maintain its principal place of business in Massachusetts for this 3 year period, the taxpayer investor must repay the total amount of AIC claimed. The AIC is neither transferrable nor refundable. The Massachusetts Life Sciences Center is responsible for determining eligibility for the AIC and the actual amount awarded to a taxpayer. See TIR 16-15 for further information.

Apprenticeship Tax Credit Businesses subject to tax under MGL ch 62 that employ qualified apprentices may be eligible for an Apprenticeship Tax Credit (ATC). The credit is equal to the lesser of $4,800 or 50% of the wages paid by the business to each qualified apprentice it hires. Businesses are eligible for up to $100,000 in credits each calendar year. To claim the credit, the primary place of employment of the apprentice must be in Massachusetts, the business employing the apprentice must register with the Division of Apprentice Standards as an apprenticeship program sponsor and enter into apprenticeship agreements with each apprentice for whom the credit is claimed, and the apprentice must be employed for at least 180 calendar days in the taxable year in which the credit is claimed. A business claiming the credit in a taxable year may also be eligible for a credit in the subsequent taxable year, provided that the Division of Apprentice Standards again certifies that the apprentice remains employed as an apprentice during the subsequent taxable year. The ATC is not transferrable but is refundable. The ATC is available for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2019. See TIR 18-13 for further information.

Brownfields Tax Credit Taxpayers subject to tax under MGL ch 62 and nonprofit organizations may be eligible to claim a Brownfields Tax Credit (BTC) for amounts expended to clean up contaminated property in Massachusetts in an amount equal to either 25% or 50% of the cost. The cleanup must begin on or before August 5, 2023, and costs must be incurred before January 1, 2024, and equal or exceed 15% of the assessed value of the property before the beginning of the cleanup. Contaminated properties must be owned or leased for business purposes, reported to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), cleaned up in compliance with DEP’s standards, and located in an economically distressed area identified by DEP. Unused portions of the BTC may be carried forward for the next 5 years. If a credit recipient does not maintain the property in compliance with standards set out by DEP, the credit may be recaptured. The BTC is not refundable. The BTC may be transferred, sold or assigned to another taxpayer with a liability under MGL ch 62 or 63, or to a nonprofit organization. A taxpayer must complete a Form BCA, Brownfields Credit Application, and submit it to the Department of Revenue. If approved, the Department of Revenue will issue a certificate reflecting the amount of the BTC. The party receiving the BTC must include the certificate number with each tax return in which the credits are being applied. BTC application forms and additional information are available at mass.gov/dor.

Certified Housing Development Tax Credit Taxpayers subject to tax under MGL ch 62 that invest in housing development projects in Massachusetts may be eligible to claim the Certified Housing Development Credit (CHDC) in an amount up to 25% of the costs of qualified project expenditures as defined in MGL ch 40V, § 1. Eligibility and the amount of CHDC awarded are determined and administered by the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD). The CHDC is not refundable, but unused amounts may be transferred or carried forward for 10 years. See TIRs 16-15, 10-15 and 10-14 for further information. To claim the CHDC, enter the CHDC certificate number and the amount of the CHDC using credit code CRTHOU on the Schedule CMS.

Community Investment Tax Credit Taxpayers subject to tax under MGL ch 62 may be able to claim a Community Investment Tax Credit (CITC) for cash contributions made to a community partner to support the implementation of its community investment plan, or to a community partnership fund. The CITC is equal to 50% of the total contribution made by the taxpayer and cannot be claimed for contributions of less than $1,000. The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is responsible for determining which contributions qualify for the CITC and the actual amount of the CITC awarded. The CITC is not transferrable. However, the CITC is refundable, or, alternatively, may be carried forward for 5 years. See DHCD’s “Community Investment Grant and Tax Credit Program” regulation, 760 CMR 68.00, the Department of Revenue’s “Community Investment Tax Credit” regulation, 830 CMR 62.6M.1, and TIRs 16-15 and 13-15 for further information.


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