Why do I have an error for my head of household filing status or qualifying dependent?

Why do I have an error for my head of household filing status or qualifying dependent?

This error can be caused if you are trying to claim yourself as the Qualifying dependent for Head of Household filing status. This is not allowed. You are required to enter a qualifying dependent other than yourself or choose another filing status. If you have properly listed a qualifying person, their name will appear next to the Head of Household filing status in the program on the summary of this section, as well as on the qualifying dependent line on your 1040.

How to correct this error: First decide if you qualify for the HOH status by determining if you have a qualifying dependent by searching "qualifying dependent for head of household" on our database.  If your dependent qualifies you as head of house, even if you cannot take any credits for that dependent, you may enter their information on a dependent entry page and select "MARK AS QUALIFYING DEPENDENT FOR HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD" in the last box on the right bottom of the input screen. See instructions for corrections below.

From our homepage, click on sign in to access your account.  Select the current rejected return.

Next, select the Dependent link located under the "My Info" tab. Then, you will "Edit" your qualifying dependent or use "ADD NEW" if there is not one listed and DELETE if you have entered yourself or another non qualifying dependent to remove.   In the dependent input screen there are several questions listed below your dependent's personal information. You will need to answer "Yes" to the last question - "Do you want to mark this person as Head of Household qualifying dependent?"

If you do not have a qualifying dependent you will be required to choose a different filing status. You can change your filing status by clicking on the Filing Status link on the right under Quick Navigation.

Once you have made your correction you will then save and continue to the end of your return and resubmit.

*We strongly recommend checking the status of your return in 24-48 hours using the Login to My Income Tax Return link to verify that your return has been accepted.

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