How do I file a federal extension?
How do I file a federal extension?
On-Line Taxes, Inc. offers FREE federal extensions!
- Extensions must be filed by April 18, 2022 for the 2021 return.
- An extension is a request for additional time to file, not additional time to pay. If you are going to owe, you must mail your payment by April 15 to avoid penalty.
- If you are due a refund, it is not necessary to file an extension. There is no penalty for late filing unless you owe the IRS.
- An extension allows you to file your tax return by October 15.
- If you electronically file your return on April 18 and the IRS sends it back for corrections, you have until April 23 to get your return retransmitted and accepted by the IRS.
- If you need more time and would like to take advantage of our FREE federal extension filing (IRS Form 4868), you have until April 18 to get your extension transmitted. Just like your return, if your extension is sent back you have until April 23 to retransmit.
If you filed prior to April 1, and your return was not accepted, you will need to log back in and make your corrections (contact customer service if you need assistance). If you want to file just an extension, log into your account and click on the "Extension" tab in the left margin. Make the needed entries for completing the extension, verify that you wish to e-file it now and continue. You can log out once it is submitted. You will receive an e-mail from OLT when the extension is accepted or rejected by the IRS.
You can print out a copy for your records by proceeding to the "View/Print" screen of the return. Click on the link for Form 4868.
If you are not a current customer and would like to file a federal extension, we will be glad to help you. Click on "Start Now" at to create an OLT ONE account. Select to begin the 2020 return. Enter your personal information, your filing status and your spouse information (if applicable). When you are ready to complete your tax return, the information you input will saved for you. To file the extension, click on the "Extension" tab in the left margin to complete and submit the form 4868. Make the needed entries for the extension and select if you wish for the information to be e-filed now. Once it is submitted, you can then simply log out. You will get an email indicating the status of your extension.
Click on "View/Print" forms to print a copy of the extension. Click on the link that says Form 4868. After printing you may simply logout. We will then electronically file your extension and you can log back in later to complete your return and transmit to the IRS. You will need to keep a copy of form 4868 for your records.
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