Connecticut Contributions
Connecticut Contributions
Below is a list of charities for which you may use your tax return to contribute all or a portion of your refund. Enter your total contributions on
Form CT-1040, Connecticut Resident Income Tax Return, Schedule 5, Line 70. Your contribution is irrevocable.
To contribute directly, send your contribution to the address shown below.
Contributions to Designated Charities
Aids Research Education Fund- Assists research, education, and community service programs related to Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
Department of Public Health - HIV Prevention Program, MS #11APV, PO Box 340308, Hartford CT 06134-0308
Breast Cancer Research and Education Fund- Assists research, education, and community service programs related to breast cancer.
Department of Public Health - Community Health and Prevention Section, MS #11 CCS, PO Box 340308 Hartford CT 06134-0308
CHET Baby Scholars Fund-Provides contributions of up to $250 for CHET college savings accounts opened for children under one or newly adopted.
Office of the State Treasurer, CHET, 7th Floor, 55 Elm Street, Hartford, CT 06106
Endangered Species, Natural Area Preserves, and Watchable Wildlife Fund- Helps preserve, protect, and manageConnecticut’s endangered plants andanimals, wildlife and their habitats.
Department of Energy & Environmental Protection Bureau of Administration Financial Management, 79 Elm Street, Hartford CT 06106-1591
Military Relief Fund- Makes grants to the immediate familymembers of service members domiciledin Connecticut for essential goods andservices when military service createsfamily financial hardship.
Military Department, Military Relief Fund Fiscal Office, 360 Broad St, Hartford CT 06105-3795
Organ Transplant Fund- Assists Connecticut residents in paying forthe unmet medical and ancillary needs oforgan transplant candidates and recipients.
Department of Social Services Accounts Receivable, 55 Farmington Ave, Hartford CT 06105
Safety Net Services Fund- Protects the children of families who are no longer eligible for public assistancebenefits.
Department of Social Services Accounts Receivable, 55 Farmington Ave, Hartford CT 06105
Mental Health Community Investment Account- Funds mental health prevention, treatment, and recovery services delivered by private not for profit agencies in local communities.
Department of Mental Health and Additction Services, Fiscal Division, MS#14FIS, PO Box 341431, Hartford, CT 06134
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