Michigan Household Income
Michigan Household Income
Household income is the total income (taxable and nontaxable) of both spouses or of a single person maintaining a household. It is your AGI, plus all income exempt or excluded from AGI. Enter in the spaces provided an amounts you received from the sources listed on the page.
Household income does NOT include:
- Payments received by participants in the foster grandparent or senior companion program.
- Energy assistance grants.
- Government payments to a third party (e.g., a doctor).
Note: If payment is made from money withheld from your benefit, the payment is part of household income. (For example, the Family Independence Agency may pay your rent directly to the landlord.)
- Money received from a government unit to repair or improve your homestead.
- Surplus food or food stamps.
- State and local income tax refunds and homestead property tax credits.
- Chore service payments. (These payments are income to the provider but not the person receiving the service).
- The first $300 from gambling, bingo, lottery, awards or prizes.
- The first $300 in gifts, cash or expenses paid on your behalf by a family member or friend.
- Loan proceeds.
- Inheritance from a spouse.
- Life insurance benefits from a spouse.
- Amounts deducted from Social Security or railroad retirement benefits for Medicare premiums.
- Life, health and accident insurance premiums paid by your employer. However, if you pay medical insurance or health maintenance organization (HMO) premiums for you or your family, you may deduct the cost from household income.
- Inheritance from a spouse
- Life insurance benefits from a spouse.
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