How Do I Calculate Oklahoma Depletion?
How Do I Calculate Oklahoma Depletion?
Oklahoma Depletion
Oklahoma depletion on oil and gas well production, at the option of the taxpayer, may be computed at 22% of gross income derived from each Oklahoma property during the taxable year. Any depletion deduction allowable is the amount so computed minus the federal depletion claimed. If Oklahoma options are exercised, the federal depletion not used due to the 65% limitation may not be carried over for Oklahoma purposes. A complete detailed schedule by property must be furnished.
Note: Major oil companies, as defined in 52 OS Sec. 288.2, when computing Oklahoma depletion shall be limited to 50% of the net income (computed without the allowance for depletion) from each property.
Lease bonus received is considered income subject to depletion.
If depletion is claimed on a lease bonus and no income is received as a result of non-producing properties, see Schedule 511-B, line 5.
If you have federal depletion being carried over into this year, see Schedule 511-B, line 5.
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