Nebraska College Savings Program Recapture

What is a Nebraska College Savings Program Recapture?

Nebraska College Savings Program Recapture

If you cancel your Nebraska College Savings Program account or withdraw funds for a non-qualified purpose, the amounts previously claimed as deductions are subject to recapture. Nebraska considers K-12 tuition a non-qualified use of College Savings Program funds. Qualified withdrawals are restricted to paying qualified expenses at schools for higher education (colleges, universities, technical schools, and graduate programs). A federally qualified rollover to a Section 529 plan issued by a state (or entity) other than Nebraska is considered to be a cancellation subject to recapture. The total maximum recapture is the lesser of (i) amount previously deducted on all Nebraska returns prior to the cancellation of the college savings program account, or (ii) the amount received upon the cancellation or non-qualified withdrawal of funds. Enter the calculated recapture amount on line 5.

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