Group Bookings
I've got a big group? How do we book?
Got a big party lined up and need a lot of beds?
Got a school function and need to put up your students?
TravelStay has your solution for all of your Group Booking needs.
There is some basic information that our Group Bookings Specialists require in order to find you suitable accommodation. Among the questions we need answered are the following:
- What dates are you looking to stay? (We can only check with a specific arrival and departure date.)
- How many guests will be staying? (This will need to be broken down into age groups and male/female ratio in each group.)
- Aged 18+
- Aged 16-18
- 16 and Under
- Do you have a specific budget? (Knowing how much you are wanting to spend lets us make sure that we are only providing you those results suited to your needs. Expectations should be realistic.)
- Do you have a particular hotel or area that you are wanting? For instance, are you looking for accommodation in Bayswater, Kings Cross, or Stratford? (Please bear in mind that Central London is typically more expensive that other areas.)
- Is there a particular type of accommodation that you are looking for? (Hostel, B&B, Hotel? Again, this should be relevant to your budget.)
- What is your preferred Room Type? (Single / Twin / Double / Triple / Quad / Multi-Bedded Private Room / Dormitory)
- Breakfast? Is this required, preferred, or doesn't matter?
The more details that you are able to provide us, the closer we are able to come to meeting your needs. Use our Group Booking Form to get your request to us. We look forward to finding you the best accommodations possible.
Upon receiving these details, we will forward your request across to several accommodations that we feel might be able to accommodate your request. Once we receive a response from the accommodations, we will email you back with the necessary details. Be sure that you give us your best email address, telephone number, and contact name.
If you have any questions about this process, you can always give us a call in the UK on 0203 696 0210. If you are outside the UK, please see our Contact Us page for more relevant telephone numbers.
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