Booking Confirmation
What is a Booking Confirmation? Where do I find it?
After making a TravelStay Booking, you are sent via email a Booking Confirmation that summarises your forthcoming stay. You will recognise this email by the Subject Line: "Details of your reservation at HOTEL NAME". Within this Booking Confirmation, expect to find the following information:
- A reminder to PRINT your booking confirmation and present it upon arrival.
- Your Booking Reference Number
- Hotel Information (Here you will find the complete address and telephone number for the accommodation.)
- Important Information (Special details that you may need to know regarding questions that should be directed to the hotel and certain things you may need to have with you are provided here.)
- Booking Summary (Verify the hotel, dates of stay, number of guests and meal plan selected.)
- Payment Details (See once again your total cost, your deposit paid, how much is still due and when it is due.)
- Billing Instructions (Be sure to see notes related to hotel's needing to pre-authorise the first night's stay.)
- Check-In Instructions (Find standard check-in / check-out times and other details related to your check-in process.)
- Cancellations & Modifications (If you need to cancel or modify your stay, see these details to find out the best way to do it.)
"I don't have an email address!"
No email address? No problem. Click on this link for more help from TravelStay: Booking Confirmation - No Email Address
"I think I entered my email address incorrectly!"
Forget a number? Used ".com" instead of ""? No worries! Click on the following for TravelStay's solutions: Booking Confirmation - Bad Email Address
Need additional assistance, feel free to Contact Us using any of the methods in the link.
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