Customer Service : Hours of Operation
I need help with a booking. When can I talk to someone?
TravelStay has 24-hour Booking Hotline available to assist you with your booking requirements. If you are looking to make a booking, you can call our UK based offices on Tel: +44 (0) 203 696 0210. (For International Customers, please CLICK HERE for alternative telephone numbers.) We can help search for accommodation and book your stay over the phone.
If you are needing to modify or cancel a booking or have general enquiries, existing customers should use the My Booking contact form. For those without a current booking, please use our standard Contact Us form any time 24-hours a day. Responses are handled by our Email Support Staff. Their hours of operation (GMT) can be found in the table below:
Hours of Operation | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
Opening Time (GMT) | 9:00 am | 9:00 am | 9:00 am | 9:00 am | 9:00 am | 9:00 am | 1:30 pm |
Closing Time (GMT) | 5:30 pm | 5:30 pm | 5:30 pm | 5:30 pm | 5:30 pm | 5:30 pm | 5:30 pm |
TravelStay makes every effort to respond to your enquiry within 24 hours. If you need more immediate assistance, you can call our Head Office Customer Service Team between 9:00 am and 5:30 pm on the telephone number above. Operators will assist you in any way possible. Additional information can be obtained via our Help Pages.
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