Modify a Booking
What can I modify on my booking?
TravelStay recognises that bookings need to be changed. This might be due to a change in circumstances or an error in booking. Either way, TravelStay is here to assist you in any way possible.
* Please note that no modifications can be made to a booking after check-in.
So what can be modified?
1) Arrival / Departure Dates
2) Room Type - Switch from a Twin to a Double; or if adding guests, upgrade to a Triple, Quad or Family Room
3) Breakfast Type
4) Number of Guests - Changing the number of people coming may require changing the room type you are in. However, if you have booked a Quad (4-person) Room for only 3 guests, all you would need to do is contact the accommodation with your amended group details (if not receiving an Occupancy Discount - See your booking confirmation for more details).
5) Accommodation
All changes are subject to availability existing in order to action the request.
Then what can not be modified?
For your security, we do not modify certain details of your reservation directly. This doesn't mean that we can't assist, but you should know what we do for each situation.
Customer Name - Is there a spelling error? Is the person checking in not the person whose name is on the booking? If so, contact the accommodation with the updated details to find out if any special requirements exist.
Email Address - Did you not receive your booking confirmation? Realise that your booking should have been, not .com? No worries! We can resend your booking confirmation to the correct address! Let us know by either sending an email to, using the following Contact Us link, or by giving us a call in the UK at +44 (0)203 696 0210. (Not in the UK, see the following link for more contact numbers. International Numbers)
Telephone Number - This is something that we can log on file, but we do not change the initial details.
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