Routing chat to individual operators
Is it possible to route chats automatically to specific agents?
There are two ways to route chats to individual operators:
- Create a separate department for each operator, so there is only one agent in each. Then create widget and copy installation code in Admin Panel→System setup→Website code for each department to be used on your website, or as a link in an email or social medial campaigns(in Admin Panel > Popup windows (legacy) > installation.
- Edit installation code to specify operator ID found in Admin Panel→System setup →Operators to route the chat to.
For embedded widget:
lhnJsSdk.options = {
operator_id: ID_OF_THE_OPERATOR,
For classic popup(legacy(:
<script type="text/javascript"> var lhnAccountN = "..."; var lhnButtonN = ...; var lhnOperatorN= ID_OF_THE_OPERATOR; </script>
For email or social media link(legacy):